Nindie Game of the Year 2016
All those independent Nintendo game developers deserve some recognition for all their hard work, and what’s better than to award two Nindies with this award? What I love about this particular category is that they recognise games that some people may have never even heard of. Neither of these games have I played, but who knows, Runbow, 2015’s Nindie of the Year, is now one of my favourite, so soon one of these could tickle my fancy too! The Nindie of the Year 2016 goes to…
Super Meat Boy for Wii U, and Shantae: Half Genie Hero for Wii U
Virtual Console Game of the Year 2016
The Virtual Console has allowed us to appreciate Nintendo’s vast history ever since 2006 for the Wii. The service is still going, with more and more titles going up every month. The Virtual Console Game of the Year 2016 goes to…
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64) for Wii U
Non-Nintendo Game of the Year 2016
At our core, we are a Nintendo site, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to dabble outside Nintendo. There’s been a range of fantastic games that were released in the past 18 months, so many that we just had to award this award to two games. And they are…
Overwatch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, and The Last Guardian for PS4
Wii U Game of the Year 2016
Unfortunately the Wii U is nearing the end of its lifetime, Nintendo even announced that Breath of the Wild is the last game being made by Nintendo for the system. That doesn’t mean that it has had its fair share of fantastic games. The Nintendo Wii U Game of the Year 2016 is…
Super Mario Maker for Wii U
Nintendo 3DS Game of the Year
Can you believe the 3DS turns six in just a couple months, doesn’t time fly. This year’s Nintendo 3DS Game of the Year has been highly anticipated by Pokémon fans around the world, it’s also the first Pokémon game that has tempted me back into the series since Pokémon Yellow. Nintendo 3DS Game of the Year 2016 goes to…
Pokémon Sun and Moon for 3DS
Nintendo Game of the Year 2016
Here’s the moment we have all been waiting for. The game has already won in several of the previous categories, so it is no surprise that it is also recognised as the Nintendo Game of the Year. Nintendo Game of the Year 2016 goes to…
Pokémon Sun and Moon for 3DS!
So, there we have it. This is the end of the NintyBuzz Awards 2016. There have been some amazing games over the past 18 months, and it looks like we are in for a treat in 2017! We’ll be getting Fire Emblem Heroes, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, 1, 2 Switch, the Nintendo Switch, and so much more!
Before we wrap things up, I have one more result to announce… the winner of the eShop Giveaway. Those who took part in the nomination phase were automatically entered in a giveaway where you could win some Nintendo eShop credit. This lucky winner is…
You will be contacted shortly via the Private Messaging system on NintyBuzz.
That’s it for now, folks. Until next time… keep on buzzin’!
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