For those of you who haven’t heard, LoboCast is a series of Podcasts created by the wonderful people from LeftHanded Games, who are currently responsible for the upcoming 3D platformer Lobodestroyo, which will be releasing on the Nintendo Wii U… as well as some other consoles including the Ouya and PC/Mac. Check out the first episode here!
Episode 4 features a special guest star, the holy overlord of the StartSelect Network [the site which hosts the LoboCast], Adam Jones, where we find out that maybe it really is about who you know! The gang also goes down nostalgia lane discussing some IPs which they think deserve an overdue reboot or sequel, such as F-Zero and Viewful Joe! Finally, the Better Know A Backer segment returns, last week their victim was your’s truly [ME!] where I was apparently a British George Takei, and this week they prey on the unsuspecting Photon, with a very inaccurate accent [unless he actually is a Snake Oil Salesman who thinks he is a Japanese schoolgirl]! Remember, this segment is all for fun, nothing serious… heck I nearly pissed myself this week!
LoboCast Episode 4: Vice President Croosh Boondicoot!
Like the last episode, the game is family friendly, the podcast… not so much! Enjoy!
[PS Thanks for plugging NintyBuzz Jamie]
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