UK entertainment retailer, HMV, have been a bit up and down over the past couple of years. In 2013, the company entered administration which forced the company to close several stores and make several employees redundant. However, they quickly got back on their feet and were even able to reopen some of their closed stores.

More recently however, in early 2014, they ended their trade-in programme for video games, which meant they could no longer purchase used games from customers. Unfortunately, it seems they may start to phase out gaming altogether in the near future.

Find out more details after the break!


When I was doing some Christmas shopping the other week, my local store in Chichester had a very scarce selection of video games, all they had were a small selection of games for the PS4 and XBOX One. When I asked a colleague about the games as I could not find a specific game, they said that they are starting to phase out gaming.

At the moment, this could simply mean that it could just be certain stores phasing out gaming or it could just be false information, so only take this statement with a grain of salt for now. If the retailer is going to start phasing out games, then this could be a threat to gaming from the high street in the UK seeing how GAME is the only other well-known high street chain in the UK that sells video games.

What are your opinions on this matter? Would you miss gaming from HMV? OR do you just buy everything online nowadays? Tell us in the comments below!