The music of Nintendo games make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our love of the music, every Friday we share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo titles, new and old.
This week, we included a track from a game not yet released, and a game only available on a Ninty system in Japan. Don’t worry about it too much, though, our final choice can be heard in enough games that it easily makes up for it… right?
Sure, this game was only released on a Nintendo platform in Japan, but we make the rules around here, and it gets in. This is probably the most grand-sounding a small peaceful castle town’s music can be, but it certainly fits in context — Oliver first arrives here after dimensionally travelling from his small 1940s hometown!
Xenoblade Chronicles X’s music is certainly different from that in its predecessor. Xenoblade’s beautiful and atmospheric soundtrack has been replaced by weird, dramatic tracks with even weirder lyrics. It’s all in the spirit of fun, perhaps meaning X doesn’t take itself quite as seriously. We’ll find out in December!
Okay, okay. The last two pieces, admittedly, come from games you can’t play on a non-Japanese Nintendo system. But this one is quite the opposite! Star Wolf’s dramatic theme from Star Fox 64 is included in multiple games which you can play on the latest Nintendo systems. It fits perfectly for an action-packed battle, whether it’s an All-Range Mode battle against Star Wolf, or an All-Star Mode battle with Wii Fit Trainer.
So that wraps up another week’s NintyBeats! I hope you enjoyed the choices this time.
If you would like to have a certain piece featured next week, please post it in the comments!
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