The music of Nintendo games make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our love of the music, every Friday we share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo titles, new and old.

In past NintyBeats, I may have neglected to give indie games the attention they deserve (possibly; even I don’t read these things). So this week, ’tis the time to focus on the music of three of Nintendo’s finest indie titles.

Overall, I prefer the original Gunman Clive over its sequel, but one point the sequel undoubtedly improved on was the music. This piece is oddly calming for a Mega Man style platformer, and it fits perfectly for the environment it plays in.

Another calming piece from another action-filled platformer. This piece is a homely oasis in Guacamelee’s energetic soundtrack; a pleasant change of pace.

This game isn’t released on Wii U yet, but it’s on the horizon, and will bring with it a cheerful and eccentric soundtrack. It looks like the Wii U is on its way out sooner than expected, but there’s still plenty of good stuff on the horizon — well, some, anyway.

So that wraps up another week’s NintyBeats! I hope you enjoyed the choices this time.

If you would like to have a certain piece featured next week, please post it in the comments!