Those of you who have been on the forums since the beginning of 3DS Buzz may remember a special event we would hold from time to time called 3DS Buzz Game Days. Well, I have some exciting news, Game Days is making a return next week!

For those not in the know, Game Days are organised days where the community plays a bunch of games online together. Anyone is able to participate at any time during the session, and it isn’t anything competitive, it’s just so that we are all able to have a bit of fun without worrying about ranks and whatnot. It’s also perfect for those who are a bit nervous about playing online, I still find it daunting with some titles, especially in games like Super Smash Bros., which I am horrible at against competent opponents.

Find out more after the break!

When will the first NintyBuzz Game Day be? Quite soon actually, it will take place on Friday 29th July 2016 from 6pm BST. The game has yet to be decided, that is something I am letting our community to choose. Just comment on this post which game you’d like to play during the first Game Day from the following, and the game will be chosen on the day before the Game Day:

  • Splatoon (Wii U)
  • Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
  • Super Smash Bros. For Wii U
  • Monster Hunter Generations (3DS)

Have a great weekend, and remember that you can drop into the session at any time. For those wondering, here are some times from different time zones (if yours isn’t listed, feel free to ask):

  • Northern Territory (Australia) – 2:30am (Saturday 30th July 2016)
  • Eastern Time – 1pm 
  • Central Time – 12 noon
  • Pacific Time – 10am
  • Central European Time Zone – 7pm

See you all soon!