UPDATE – Had to change Tournament Code due to compatibility error!
The first NintyBuzz Game Day goes live in just under 24 hours, so we thought we’d give you all the information you need. The community voted, and tomorrow’s Game Day game will be:
Mario Kart 8 for Nintendo Wii U!
To join the Game Day, just log onto your Mario Kart 8 at 6pm BST (time conversions below), then go to Tournaments in the Online mode and search the code 9075-1465-2894 using the search tool. For those who are not in the UK, here are some time conversions for you:
- Northern Territory (Australia) – 2:30am (Saturday 30th July 2016)
- Eastern Time – 1pm
- Central Time – 12 noon
- Pacific Time – 10am
- Central European Time Zone – 6pm
If you are not a member on the forums, we’d recommend that you sign up now so you can participate in the chat box and you will also get a user trophy!
See you then!