Ahoy fellow buzzers! Were you so excited for the upcoming beauty of a game by the ex-Rareware developers behind Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee, you just had to back the Jiggies out of it? If you backed more than £20 during the Kickstarter campaign, you should be ecstatic to learn that the demo is out now! But it isn’t any old beta though. Titled ‘Yooka-Laylee Toybox’, this is a self contained, and spoiler-free sandbox where you can check out how the gameplay works, without the game being spoiled for you.
If you backed a few more pennies (3,500 more pennies to be precise), then you will receive the enhanced Toybox +! This version includes a new area to explore and some critters to swipe your lizardy arms at. You can find your download codes over at your BackerKit account over here!
The Toybox is only available through Steam on PC, Mac, and Linux, so unfortunately any console gamers out there will have to wait a bit longer, though it still may be worth downloading on your computer!
SOURCE – Playtonic Kickstarter
Well, PC gamers are always up the hill, seems like it's going to be such a nice game once it gets released for consoles, the game mechanics seem to be great and the graphics are quite awesome as well, it's definitely going to be a good game, indeed.
Looking forward to it!
[QUOTE="Casiox, post: 331648, member: 57299"]Well, PC gamers are always up the hill, seems like it's going to be such a nice game once it gets released for consoles, the game mechanics seem to be great and the graphics are quite awesome as well, it's definitely going to be a good game, indeed.
Looking forward to it![/QUOTE]
I've been looking forward to it since before it was announced haha
[QUOTE="triforceguy1, post: 331649, member: 140"]I've been looking forward to it since before it was announced haha[/QUOTE]
Well, seems like you will have to keep waiting and do your best to hold yourself until it finally gets fully released, in the meantime we could just watch the news and take a look at the teasers, there's definitely nothing else we could do, indeed.
[QUOTE="Casiox, post: 331651, member: 57299"]Well, seems like you will have to keep waiting and do your best to hold yourself until it finally gets fully released, in the meantime we could just watch the news and take a look at the teasers, there's definitely nothing else we could do, indeed.
Definitely haha
This isn't the only game I've backed on KS, I've also backed A Hat in Time, and Lobodestroyo 😀