I may be late to the party, but there is a thing called fashionably late… even if it’s for a party full of remorse and torture. That’s right, Dark Souls Remastered for Nintendo Switch has finally been dated, and it couldn’t launch at a better time, just before Halloween!

Whatever the reason for the delay, fans are sure to be excited to rage through Dark Souls anywhere, anytime, and with anyone on Nintendo Switch from the 19th October. The Solaire of Astora Amiibo will also launch on the same day.

Looking for a cool preorder bonus? Order from the UK Nintendo Store (click here for the listing) and you can expect your copy to come with a metallic plate with the cover art on it… okay, maybe the preorder bonus isn’t that glamorous, but at least we finally have a Switch release date, right? Though most retails have already allocated their Amiibo preorders, you can still get an order in from the Bandai store here.