In addition to announcing Doom Eternal’s November release date, Bethesda also went on to announce the title’s multiplayer mode and collector’s edition. This new multiplayer mode, titled Battle Mode, has been built from the ground up and pits a single Doom Slayer against two player controlled demons over three rounds of high intensity combat. Check out the trailer below!

In addition to this, Bethesda also announced a Collector’s Edition of the title. The bundle includes the following:

A Deluxe Edition copy of DOOM Eternal in an exclusive Steelbook case custom designed by graphic designer and illustrator Gabz in collaboration with Mondo. The DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition includes:

DOOM Eternal Year One Pass, granting access to two single-player Campaign expansions, set to release within one year of DOOM Eternal’s launch

Demonic Slayer Skin

Classic Weapons Sound Pack, adding nostalgia-inducing weapon sound effects to your DOOM Eternal arsenal

A full-sized, wearable DOOM Slayer Helmet replica

A playable cassette tape, plus download codes for lossless digital copies of Mick Gordon’s DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal original soundtracks. The uncompressed music files will make any audiophile’s day, and the analog tape contains something special for id Software fans!

DOOM Lore Book with custom artwork by id Software. Learn more about the events past and present that shape the DOOM universe and the Slayer himself.

One “The Gift of Argent Power” 11” x 17” Lithograph
