Though we are an outlet for video game related content, we really wanted to post a statement regarding the current Black Lives Matter protests, an event that is very important and means a lot to us. It is also something that SHOULD NOT BE IGNORED.

Like many others, we too are appalled by how black people are still receiving so much injustice in the world, and my heart goes out to everyone affected (as well as their families), such as George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others who have been killed just because they are black.

To all those who are trying to make a difference, we hope you are all able to stay safe. To those who are watching the protests on TV, please remember that those who are looting do not represent the movement and are using it as an opportunity (BLM protestors have been trying hard to try and prevent this).

If you wish to support the movement, there are several things we can do:

  • Donate to any relevant relief or bailout funds
  • Write to your legislation demanding accountability for police actions
  • Support black business, creatives, and devs
  • Use your white privilege to combat injustice
  • Support the protestors by attending the protests (while trying to keep yourself safe from police force)
  • Educate yourself on black history and all the injustice they suffer

Thanks for listening, stay safe, and let’s all make a difference together!
~ The NintyBuzz Team