Missed out on Glyph’s Nintendo Switch sale last week? Never fear as we, along with the support of Bolverk Games, have got you covered with this new giveaway. We have a rare wooden sculpture of the titular Glyph rolled up as a ball along with an EU download code for the game hidden inside.
To be in the chance to win, all you have to do is tell us on Twitter which bug you would be, making sure you use the #IfIWereABug, @PlayGlyph and @NintyBuzz tags for your entry to be valid! Once you’ve validated your entry on the widget below, you’ll unlock further ways to win.
(UK/IE ONLY) Glyph EU Code and Figure GiveawayPlease check out the Terms and Conditions after the break!
Terms and Conditions
- The promotion is solely run by NintyBuzz with the prizes provided by Bolverk Games.
- Competition is only open to residents of the United Kingdom or Ireland
- Entries begin on Monday 1st March from 8pm GMT and close on Monday 15th March at 8pm GMT
- Optional entries may only be made if you complete the main entry
- All instructions for entry verification MUST be followed
- Any duplicate entries will disqualify the user from this and future competitions unless specified
- Winners will be announced within 48 hours of competition close
- One winner will be picked at random, this person will receive a Wooden Figure of Glyph rolled up as a Ball along with a EU download code for the game.
- Winners will be contacted and are required to verify their details within 48 hours or risk their prize to be re-drawn.
- Only UK or IE shipping address will be accepted.
- There are no alternatives for the prizes on offer.
- NintyBuzz cannot be held responsible for the prize once it has been shipped
- All decisions made by NintyBuzz are final
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