The music of Nintendo games make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our love of the music, every Friday we share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo titles, new and old.
This week’s NintyBeats is unique. Not only are all three pieces from third-party titles, they are also all total rip-offs of James Bond. Not that that’s a bad thing. From James Bond in the jungle, to James Bond in a factory, to James Bond underwater, all three represent different perspectives of Bond rip-offery…
Ignore the seven year gap between this game’s release and its arrival on a Nintendo platform, and just listen, okay? OKAY?!? Okay. The opening credits music from Snake Eater is not only clearly inspired by a Bond title song, but manages to stand on its on two feet and compete with them.
This one is Bond-sounding from the get-go. Surprisingly, this isn’t the only time a Mega Man tune has imitated Bond. Mega Man X2 had a hint of Bond, and then X4 threw any pretense out the window.
We finish with a piece from the fantastic Rayman Legends soundtrack. Legends’ soundtrack is filled with energy and bombast, but it often slows down the pace. Not so subtle in its inspiration, the Bond-inspired tracks have such names as “Dive Another Day” and “The Spy Who Kicked Me”.
So that wraps up another week’s NintyBeats! I hope you enjoyed the choices this time.
If you would like to have a certain piece featured next week, please post it in the comments!
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