The music of Nintendo games make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our love of the music, every Friday we share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo titles, new and old.

Hey, it’s another NintyBeats! This week, I made a NintyBeats. I’m too lazy to describe it, but… it’s great.

I couldn’t care less about this game, and have never played it. It doesn’t look very good. This music, though? Amazing. The same thing could be said for the entire series, honestly.

This week’s NintyBeats sure is taking on a happy identity, isn’t it? Super Mario World has some high-tier credits. I particularly like the second half, in which all of (I think?) the game’s enemies are credited. All in time with the music, of course.

As you might have guessed from my declaration that this week’s NintyBeats was a happy’un, here’s the saddest music in existence. Have a good week!

So that wraps up another week’s NintyBeats! I hope you enjoyed the choices this time.

If you would like to have a certain piece featured next week, please post it in the comments!