Just extended sign up deadline to Friday 1st September 2017!

Splatoon 2 just got released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch, and already it’s getting kraken reviews, especially from those awesome guys from NintyBuzz! It’s also been a whole year (and a couple days) since we started the first [the 3DS Buzz one was a pilot] ever Summer Splatathon Supreme Tournament. Wouldn’t you say now would be a good time to have another Splatathon?

Yup, that’s right! The Summer Splatathon is back for 2017, but this time we’ll be competing on Splatoon 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Registration is open now, just comment below or, preferably, reply to this thread (click here). That’s not all. You can also win £50 of eShop credit (or your country’s equivalent) if you’re the top squid, kid!

Check out the details after the break!

The qualifying round I split into two stages called ‘Marking your Territory’ and ‘Zoning up the Finals’. Marking your Territory involves each bracket competing in three games of Turf War. The winning teams will go onto Zoning up the Finals. At this stage, there will be two brackets competing in three games of Splat Zones. The winning team from each bracket will then go onto the Finals.

From here on out all weapon types other than Shooters, Rollers, Brushes, and Dualies are forbidden. Each stage of the finals will consist of three games of Tower Control. In the quarter finals, the two players from each team who contributed the least (splatted the lest territory) will be eliminated. In the semi-finals, one player from each team will be eliminated.

The remaining two players will pit it off in a best of three Tower Control matches. Get two wins, and you win the entire tournament, and you’ll also receive a decent amount of eShop credit!

Obviously, depending on how many players sign up will determine what stage the tournament will begin. The teams will also be decided by me, though if you really want to be teamed up with a specific member feel free to send me a request before the tournament begins.

Here’s the terms and conditions as per usual:

  • Registration ends on Friday, 1st September 2017 at 6pm BST
  • To register for a place, please reply to this thread (click here) or on make a comment below
  • The tournament will begin soon after the cut-off, the exact date and time of each playoff will be discussed publicly on the discussion thread (click here)
  • It is important to be able to use the Nintendo Switch Online Lounge application
  • The player who comes in first at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner
  • The 1st place winner will win £50/€50/$50/AUD $60 eShop Credit
  • If there is more than one person who receives first place, a tiebreaker will be organised to deduce the official victor
  • The 1st place winner will be contacted via Private Message on the forums
  • If you do not reply within 48 hours, your prize will be offered to the runner up
  • Any submitted content that contains spam or other inappropriate material will disqualify you from this competition
  • Any sign of cheating will also disqualify you
  • We also have the right to disqualify anyone from this, and future events, who have been banned during the tournament period
  • If you are able to redeem eShop Credit from the following currencies, then you are eligible to win the 1st Place Prize:
    • British Pound Sterling (£50)
    • Euro (€50)
    • US Dollars ($50)
    • Australian Dollars (AUD $60)
  • A code for the eShop Credit will be sent by Private Message
  • We have the right to amend these terms without any notice
  • Happy Splatting!