E3 2018 is so close, I can nearly taste it. The real question isn’t what games and hardware will be announced next week, but just what heck would E3 taste like? Well, if I had to guess, pineapple… and cake, but the really good kind of cake.

If you are in Bournemouth next week, why not come down to Bournemouth University’s SUBU building to play some games and watch the entire event live. As part of BourneNintendo and LGBT+ Gaming Society, I am hosting a Nintendo E3 Viewing Party to collectively fanboy over each and every announcement Nintendo makes. Not only that, but I will have the Switch set up to so we can also play some great games while waiting for Nintendo’s presentation. Oh, did I mention there will be snacks to?


Tuesday 12th June 2018 from 15:30 until 20:00


Fifth Floor SUBU Building at Bournemouth University’s Talbot Campus

Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB

Click here for the event page!