Hello folks, just thought I’d provide you a small update on my activity towards the website, which has been very little recently.

Back in September, I started my final year of University, so this involves having to move back to Bournemouth, getting settled in the new house, as well as helping out with Fresher’s Fair (for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to be the president of three different societies). I have also had quite a few shifts at different conventions and cons (money is a bit of an issue at the moment) Basically I’ve been mega busy. In addition to this, I have also had to completely change my dissertation subject, so this has caused a sudden spike in business.

I do apologise for my recent absence, but unfortunately these things can not be helped. However, I do hope that my schedule gets freed up a bit more in the next month or so. I do have a few outstanding reviews which I plan on publishing in the next few weeks (Dark Souls may take a wee bit longer because… well it’s Dark Souls).

Thats all I have to say for now, but I do appreciate all of you who are patient with me, it really means a lot.

Until next time, keep on Buzzin’!