About Eric Zavinski

I've been playing Nintendo games since I was 3 years old, and my earliest memory is watching my dad play Super Mario 64. Since then, I've become as big of a fan as you might imagine: YouTube video projects, fan fiction, owning just about every amiibo — you name it! I'm also a stalwart defender of underappreciated games like Skyward Sword, Other M, Super Paper Mario, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Zero and more. I love to see passion in a gaming product, and my desire on this site is to share a similar passion in what I write.

REVIEW – Untitled Goose Game

You’ve no doubt heard of the Untitled Goose Game. It’s swept the let’s play nation with its quirky antics and startling premise: controlling an ultra-intelligent goose with a desire to mess with the lives of all people. The humor easily comes across when watching a stream, but how fun is Untitled Goose Game to play for yourself?

By |2020-07-13T22:05:33+00:00October 7th, 2019|Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Review|0 Comments

How Many Franchises Are in Smash?

With the recent additions of Hero and Banjo & Kazooie to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter roster — and the impending arrival of Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury and more DLC on the way — Smash Ultimate is by far the biggest crossover in gaming history.

Smash Bros. developers have made it clear in the recent Nintendo Direct and its aftermath that they want to continue to capitalize on how big of a crossover Smash Ultimate has become. The big question remains: just how many different gaming franchises will be represented in Smash once the DLC cycle ends?

By |2020-07-13T22:07:20+00:00September 15th, 2019|Features, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Smash Bros.|0 Comments

Zen Studios Brings Pinball with Replay Value to Star Wars on Switch

In preparation for the Skywalker Saga to end, what better way to catch up on the past 42 years of cinema history than pinball?

Star Wars Pinball, the first Star Wars game for Nintendo Switch, seems ready to ask and answer that question, and with all ten feature films, two animated shows and parsecs of lore hidden across 19 pinball tables, this game is filled further to the brim with canon Star Wars knowledge more than any other in this galaxy.

By |2020-07-13T22:10:29+00:00September 3rd, 2019|E3, E32019, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

Mobile Developer Brings Free Arcade Racing to Switch

Offering free local and online multiplayer, Asphalt 9: Legends looks to be more than just a simple mobile port when it hits the Nintendo eShop this fall.

Asphalt 9: Legends is one of many titles that development studio Gameloft has been working on this year. Originally from a mobile racing series, this version of Asphalt 9 is bringing the arcade-like racer to a Nintendo console for the first time, and somewhere between simulation and mascot racing, it definitely benefits from console controls.

By |2020-07-13T22:10:49+00:00September 2nd, 2019|E3, E32019|0 Comments

New Super Lucky’s Tale: My Favorite Game of E3 2019

DISCLAIMER: I know I’m late! Between working my tail off at two jobs this summer, enjoying some much-needed vacation and starting a new life in a city far away from home, I’ve just now been able to write about my E3 experience. Thanks in advance for reading nonetheless!

Ask most Nintendo fans who were able to enjoy the company’s presence on the show floor of the Electronic Entertainment Expo this past June what their favorite title was, and you’ll likely come up with the same responses I so often heard. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Luigi’s Mansion 3. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. I was also impressed by the adorable aesthetic of the newest Zelda remake; I felt the satisfying sensation of pummeling ghouls into the dirt in Luigi’s upcoming haunted installment for the Switch; and Pokémon continued to deliver the gym-based gameplay, this time, with a new dynamax gimmick.

While I had the glorious chance to test out all those titles, one indie game showcased in Nintendo’s booth space actually stuck out to me the most. And as I had continued my E3 adventure, frequenting multiple other titles throughout the week in June, I realized that New Super Lucky’s Tale was my favorite game I had played at E3.

By |2019-08-24T17:47:23+00:00August 24th, 2019|E3, E32019|0 Comments

E3 Delivers Amazing Games, Great Friendships

LOS ANGELES — The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3, was an even better experience than I had imagined it was growing up.

This year’s event was hosted from June 11-13, and video game development companies shared their newest products in the expansive Los Angeles Convention Center as usual. While this year marked a significant absence from Sony, the company that has brought gamers the PlayStation consoles, there was still plenty of fun jam-packed into two massive display halls.

To learn more about my individual E3 experience, make the jump and dive into the three days of summer fun, complete with exclusive anecdotes and video coverage!


Starbomb Delivers The Most Musically-Satisfying Video Game Comedy Album Yet

Warning: this post contains strong language, as does the album being discussed and reviewed.

For the better part of this decade, Game Grumps Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan have been jamming out together with Dan’s Ninja Sex Party bandmate Brian Wecht to deliver The Lonely Island of video games.

Dick jokes about Kirby and spoofing how much Luigi sucks became normal in the gaming community after the release of the first, self-titled, album in 2013. A sequel in the form of 2014’s “Player Select” swiftly followed the original release’s popularity, and for five years since then, let’s play viewers, comedy music fans and gamers have been wondering when the Triforce would be completed.

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