About KomodoZero

Long time fan of Nintendo and games in general, I always lean on the quirkier and unique sides of things in particular. It all started when I was lucky enough to get a Gameboy Color and Pokemon Yellow for my tenth birthday and it's been going strong ever since. I've always had a need to get my voice heard and share anything I find interesting with the world.

REVIEW – Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

2019’s Fire Emblem: Three Houses proved massively popular amongst old fans of the series and newcomers alike, boasting lots of choice to even the nittiest, grittiest of details. So it would only seem natural for a follow-up title? Instead of any form of direct sequel (which would be massively difficult considering the many outcomes it had), Koei Tecmo are back in the reigns for an alternate timeline Warriors style approach, shifting the focus away from Byleth, the previous game’s protagonist, and into the hands of a new hero. The tides of time are changing, with many possibilities ahead. Which path will you choose?


REVIEW – Dungeons of Dreadrock

In Dungeons of Dreadrock, tradition dictates that a boy must go to defeat the King of the Mountain, alone, and at this time your brother is the one chosen to take on the task. Being a woman, you aren’t allowed to do it yourself, or else it would anger the gods, but before long you start to worry and decide to take matters into your own hands. As you travel deeper into the depths, a conspiracy emerges itself, turning the whole ordeal gradually on its head. Does this game succeed in meeting expectations, or will it rot deep within the forgotten depths? Find out more below.

By |2022-05-12T17:04:11+00:00May 12th, 2022|Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, NintyBuzz, Review|0 Comments

REVIEW – Chocobo GP

Back in the heyday of Squaresoft’s prime, after the massive critical success of Final Fantasy VII and them leaving Nintendo in the dust in favour of the disc based Playstation, they were running every possible angle they could. While most of their outings were RPGs of various flavours, they did dabble into other genres. One such title was Chocobo Racing, their spin on the kart racer which Mario Kart made popular. While it never had the same lasting success as the plumber does, Square Enix of today is not one to turn down another opportunity. So here we are with the all new Chocobo GP, a fresh coat of paint on the old classic. Does it roll past the finish line with aplomb, or does it lag behind in last place? Find out in our review below.

By |2022-03-24T14:52:20+00:00March 24th, 2022|Final Fantasy, Nintendo Switch, Review, Square Enix|1 Comment

REVIEW – Shin Megami Tensei V

Have you ever found yourself in a conundrum where your decisions in games feel too easy, that there aren’t enough actual challenging encounters or ramifications for your actions? Well, maybe the answer has been right in front of you this entire time and you just didn’t realise it. Much like how the world of demons has been ever present in the world of Shin Megami Tensei, a game rife with challenges and ordeals awaits. Only the bravest may dare enter its realm, and only the strongest can survive. Shin Megami Tensei V is the latest in a long line of hardcore RPGs, but does it have the will to live up to series heritage? Or will it perish amongst the many who’ve tried along the way?


REVIEW – Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Back in the days of the mid-2000’s, Pokémon was in a bit of a slump. Pokémania had tapered off after the second generation and was unable to really reach the same highs with the third, so with the release of the Nintendo DS came a new opportunity to strike big. The growing audience for gaming thanks to Nintendo’s push into the “Blue Ocean” gave Pokémon Diamond and Pearl a sporting chance to reach many more newcomers than ever before. But that was 2006/2007, we’re now in an age of unparalleled popularity for the series and the time has come for the remakes of the fourth generation, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, to once again make their mark. Welcome back to the world of Sinnoh, may your adventures begin!

By |2021-12-10T16:36:57+00:00December 10th, 2021|Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Pokémon, Review|0 Comments

REVIEW – Metroid Dread

It has been nineteen years since Metroid Fusion, the last game in the series to actually take place at the end of the Metroid timeline. While it hasn’t been nearly as long since the last game, being 2017’s Metroid: Samus Returns, Metroid Dread marks the first time an original game in the series since 2010’s Metroid: Other M in the original continuity (though the Prime series has had Metroid Prime: Federation Force in 2016). It’s been a mighty long wait for fans of the 2D series too, with fourteen years since Metroid Zero Mission. Speculation already began in 2006 when listings for “Metroid Dread” started circulating in various outlets, implied to be for the Nintendo DS. With all this time to ponder over the possibilities, the time is finally upon us, has the wait for Metroid Dread been worth it?

By |2021-10-20T17:30:45+00:00October 20th, 2021|Metroid, Metroid Dread, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, NintyBuzz, Review|0 Comments

Unite to the Occasion; Pokémon UNITE, One Month Later

It’s been about a month now since Pokémon UNITE hit the Switch, with the mobile release coming up in September, and it’s about time I gathered my thoughts on the title. Pokémon’s take on the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (better known as MOBA) genre certainly has a lot going for it, with hundreds of Pokémon to choose from for potential playable candidates which makes the whole thing very appealing. But through all that, some major problems occur which can make or break the experience with alarming regularity. Join us after the break as we discuss some issues and ways to potentially address them.

By |2021-08-28T13:48:43+00:00August 28th, 2021|Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Pokémon, Pokémon UNITE|0 Comments
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