Indie World 11/08/2021 Announcement Highlights
Nintendo hosted an Indie World again today, with a whole slew of new titles coming to the Switch over the course of this year and beyond. Without further ado, let’s get into business.
(more…)Nintendo hosted an Indie World again today, with a whole slew of new titles coming to the Switch over the course of this year and beyond. Without further ado, let’s get into business.
(more…)Nintendo has just announced a brand new model of Switch today, the Nintendo Switch OLED Model. That’s a fairly succinct name explaining the core new feature of the system, it’s brand new screen. Also featured is a new dock, improved audio, a much improved kickstand and additional storage. Read on for further details.
(more…)Limited Run Games had their annual presentation at E3 earlier today with a slew of new, and old, titles being published physically in the United States. There were some surprise announcements, as well as a variety of fan favourites being printed onto carts for the first time. See the press release below.
(more…)Somewhere around 33 years ago, renowned creator of the Game Boy, Gunpei Yokoi, approached Yoshio Sakamoto, best known for his work with the Metroid franchise, to create a game with only a title as a suggestion. The title was “Famicom Shōnen Tanteidan” (Famicom Youth Detective Club) and it was to be developed for the Famicom Disk System exclusively in Japan. Drawing inspiration from horror films by Dario Argenta and 1983’s The Portopia Serial Murder Case, the project eventually manifested into two titles under the Famicom Detective Club banner; The Missing Heir and The Girl Who Stands Behind. Now they’ve been remade especially for the Nintendo Switch by esteemed visual novel studio Mages and localised officially into English for the first time. Do they hold up with the times, or fall behind their contemporary successors?
(more…)Anyone who knows me well knows that I am quite the rock fanatic, and a particular metalhead, so this time on NintyBeats I’m here to share a sampling of times Nintendo threw down and pulled out the guitars to shred with the best of them. Get ready to jump down into the mosh pit and headbang to a selection of their finest rock or rock inspired tracks from over the years.
(more…)Bravely Default as a series is both brave in execution and yet somewhat typical by default. Heralded as a breath of fresh air for reinvigorating the classic RPG formula back in 2012-14, quite a bit has happened in the industry since, with a renaissance of Japanese RPGs hitting it big in the west again after falling out of favour throughout the seventh generation of home consoles. Escaping its handheld roots and now jumping to the hybrid system, this feels like a chance to both bring Bravely Default to a new audience and also to spark interest in the franchise yet again, after Bravely Second was deemed controversial as a sequel. Now set in an all-new world unconnected to the original two games, this is a fresh start as a sort of soft reboot.
(more…)Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World hit cinemas in August 2010 to general acclaim, but fairly middling box office performance. It was widely praised for its editing and adaptation of the comics by Canadian comic artist Bryan Lee O’Malley, who originally wrote the series between 2004 and 2010. Naturally, a video game tie-in was in order, seeing as games already influenced the series, and Ubisoft was tasked with its creation. Normally, movie licensed games have a reputation for being cheaply made, quick and dirty cash grabs to capitalise on a movie’s launch period, but Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game (what a mouthful) instead gained a cult following for being the exact opposite. It ended up being a love letter to the comics as well as to games in general, bearing little in common with the movie other than the source material. Unfortunately it got delisted from Playstation Network and Xbox Live digital storefronts in 2014, due to presumed license expiry from Universal Studios, but it has now been given a second chance in 2021.