Apparently ‘Nintendo Customers Don’t Buy Assassin’s Creed’

During a recent interview between Game Informer and Ubisoft CEO, Yves Guillemot, we were offered a detailed insight to what exactly the company [or at least the Ubisoft chief] sees within the Nintendo Wii U.

According to Yves Guillemot…

It’s very simple, what we see is that Nintendo customers don’t buy Assassin’s Creed. Last year, we sold in very small numbers.

I see two sides to this, firstly, I don’t find it wrong to stop publishing a franchise on a specific console due to lacking sales, however if they want a game to sell, then isn’t it kind of granted that they should put in a decent amount of effort to make the game attractive to potential customers. According to many critics, the Wii U version of Assassin’s Creed 3 and 4 felt like there was very little effort porting it to the console with unpolished edges, frame rate drops and more, they are both very terrific and beautiful games, but it was clear that Ubisoft just didn’t care much about the Wii U version.


Another factor worth mentioning is the fact that DLC wasn’t properly supported for the Wii U version. The Assassin’s Creed 3 DLC was published for Wii U, though it was released quite a while after the other consoles, and the DLC for Black Flag was completely absent from the Wii U version. Just because Ubisoft aren’t bringing Assassin’s Creed to Nintendo platforms anymore doesn’t necessarily mean they are ruling out Nintendo completely.

What we see is that they are very interested in Just Dance, very interested by other kinds of games, so what we are trying to do is to focus more on the types of games they are interested in.

Personally, I feel this is just a very broad generalisation, looking at video game sales, it is true that Just Dance 2014 [the most recent Just Dance title] sold most on a Nintendo console, but this was on the Nintendo Wii, the Wii U’s version sold pretty much similarly to the other versions. However I suppose it is good thing that Ubisoft are not completely forgetting about Nintendo, in fact Yves reconfirmed that they are still working on the Wii U version of Watch Dogs…

[Watch Dogs] is coming to Wii U, it will be the only mature game we publish on it.

So, how do you feel about this information? It would be interesting to see other people’s views on this matter so be sure to tell us about it in the comments below!

Feel free to read the rest of the interview here!