Every so often, Nintendo likes to give us a blowout of release dates, and it just so happens that we’ve got a new one.
Most dates are merely reitterations of those we heard about at E3, but there are a number of exciting games heading our way in the next few months – notably Fantasy Life, Smash Bros and Pokemon for 3DS alongside Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors for Wii U. At the end of August, America will also at long last get their hands on the superb rollercoaster of emotion that is Layton vs Wright.
Splatoon, Zelda U, Star Fox, Xenoblade X, and Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. have all been confirmed for 2015, which should ensure that the games will keep on coming well into next year.
Check out the full schedule below!

There are several other interesting points to mention. Firstly, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker seems to have been delayed to Q1 2015 in Europe, though it still aims for a Holiday 2014 release in Japan and the US. Also, if you remember way back to 2013, you would have remembered a game called Brain Age: Concentration Training getting its release in Japan and the US, though the release date seemed to have disappeared for European territories. It now looks like the game hasn’t been completely forgotten by Nintendo of Europe as they have listed it but with an unknown release. This raises the question of what caused the game to be delayed by over two years in Europe? Perhaps that’s one of the training exercises.

That’s not all, Nintendo have also released a schedule with all the 3rd Party titles which are coming soon for 3DS and Wii U, though these do not have release dates listed.

It’s quite a big image so click it to see it in full!
What are you most excited for from this list? Tell us in the comments!