E3 2018 – Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion Launching Tomorrow, New Amiibo, and Updates

A nice surprise announcement was made during the Splatoon 2 World Championship Finals last night, the long awaited paid DLC for Splatoon 2, Octo Expansion, is launching tomorrow. That’s right, tomorrow morning (this evening for our US visitors) you can purchase/download the brand new single player experience for Splatoon 2!  Explore the depths of the underground facilities over 80 brand new challenging missions as an Octoling agent.

That’s not all that was announced. Later in the year, Nintendo will be releasing three brand new Amiibo based off the expansion. These are Octoling Boy, Octoling Girld, and Octoling Octoform! No word yet on what features these will unlock, though it’s probably safe to assume that they will have similar usability as the Inkling Amiibo.

Finally, Splatoon 2 producer, Hisashi Nogami, announced that free updates for Splatoon 2 will be extended by another six months until December. Expect brand new gear, weapons, and stages to drop throughout the rest of the year!

What are your thoughts on these announcements? What do you think of E3 2018 so far? Tell us in the comments below!

By |2018-06-13T10:19:44+00:00June 13th, 2018|E3, E32018, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

E3 2018 – Nintendo Direct Overview and Reactions

Unfortunately I could not post live updates as I was hosting an E3 viewing party as part of BourneNintendo as well as manning the E3 Bingo Board. I’ve decided that, instead of posting all the updates in multiple posts, I’ve decided to just talk about everything, along with my reactions, in this one post. Not only will it save us bandwidth (not a total issue), but you don’t have to keep loading new posts! Win win!

Anywho, I swear I always start off with the same statement, or similar, either way, that was definitely an interesting Nintendo Direct. I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of announcements as well as impressed, though there have definitely been better Nintendo Directs in the past. Heck, the Nintendo Direct before this one felt more like an E3 Direct!

Without further ado, if you missed out on the direct, you can find our recap after the break!


By |2018-06-12T23:27:05+00:00June 12th, 2018|E3, E32018, Features, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

E3 2018 – Predictions, Hopes, and Dreams

In just under an hour, Nintendo will go live to tantalise our gamer taste buds. New games will be revealed, and new info will arise. Below, you will find some of my predictions on what Nintendo will talk about in their special E3 Nintendo Direct, some of which will be fuelled by my hopes and dreams, so obviously don’t base all your expectations on what I write below.

Check out my E3 2018 predictions, hopes, and dreams after the break!


By |2018-06-12T15:24:20+00:00June 12th, 2018|3DS, E3, E32018, Features, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

E3 2018 – Fallout Shelter Announced For Switch

Earlier this morning (at the ungodly hour of 2:30am) Bethesda hosted their conference for this year’s E3. Unfortunately there weren’t many Switch announcements during the conference, however it was revealed that the popular mobile spin-off, Fallout Shelter, is coming out for the Nintendo Switch, and that it is available now!

For those who are unaware, Fallout Shelter puts you in the shoes of the overseer of your very own Vault-Tec brand vault. Create a brighter future, underground by creating your brand new vault. Oversee your own community of vault dwellers, provide them with entertainment and jobs, help them protect your vault from raiders and other radioactive nasties, and so much more.

Prepare your dwellers for the fallout out anytime and anywhere, right now, and for free!

By |2018-06-11T11:40:01+00:00June 11th, 2018|E3, E32018, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

Nintendo’s E3 2018 Overview

With E3 2018 hitting off in just under one week, Nintendo have taken the initiative to explain their plans for E3 in more detail, as well as announce the official name of their video presentation: ‘Nintendo Direct: E3 2018’… who couldn’t see that coming!

Attendees of E3 will be excited to learn that both Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch and Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, along with other games, will be playable on the show floor. Those who wish to play Smash Bros. will need to register a timeslot beforehand however. Additionally, if you are caught playing your own Nintendo Switch while roaming the show floor, not only may you trip yourself up, but a Nintendo rep may also give you a super limited edition pin too!

All the details can be read after the break!


By |2018-06-05T14:01:50+00:00June 5th, 2018|3DS, E3, E32018, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

BourneNintendo – Nintendo E3 Viewing Party 2018

E3 2018 is so close, I can nearly taste it. The real question isn’t what games and hardware will be announced next week, but just what heck would E3 taste like? Well, if I had to guess, pineapple… and cake, but the really good kind of cake.

If you are in Bournemouth next week, why not come down to Bournemouth University’s SUBU building to play some games and watch the entire event live. As part of BourneNintendo and LGBT+ Gaming Society, I am hosting a Nintendo E3 Viewing Party to collectively fanboy over each and every announcement Nintendo makes. Not only that, but I will have the Switch set up to so we can also play some great games while waiting for Nintendo’s presentation. Oh, did I mention there will be snacks to?


Tuesday 12th June 2018 from 15:30 until 20:00


Fifth Floor SUBU Building at Bournemouth University’s Talbot Campus

Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB

Click here for the event page!

By |2018-06-05T14:02:46+00:00June 5th, 2018|E3, E32018, Features, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

Nintendo’s E3 2018 Details

Over the weekend, Nintendo announced their plans for this years E3 event. You know, that one week a year that is literally a second Christmas for gamers across the globe.

Kick-starting Nintendo’s presence at E3 2018 is the Splatoon 2 World Championships’ opening rounds. This will start at 11:30pm BST on Monday 11th June 2018 and will find the creme de la creme of worldwide Splatoon 2 champions.

The main event will proceed a day later on Tuesday 12th June 2018 in Nintendo’s Video Presentation. As per usual, Nintendo will be showcasing a range of upcoming Nintendo Switch games for 2018 (and probably beyond). Expect some Smash Bros. and new announcements here. It is currently unknown how long the presentation will be at this time.

The video presentation will be directly followed by three full days of Nintendo Treehouse: Live. This is the chance to get a closer looks at games from the video presentation, along with some commentary by the Nintendo Treehouse and game developers. If it’s anything like previous years, we may receive even more reveals.

The 12th June will also see the grand finales of not only the Splatoon 2 World Championships, but also the Super Smash Bros. Invitational, back to back. More details of specific timings will follow.

You can catch most, if not all, these events on our E3 2018 Hub, or Nintendo’s Official E3 Microsite.

Check out the full press release below!


By |2018-05-03T13:03:08+00:00May 3rd, 2018|3DS, E3, E32018, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments
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