REVIEW – SNK VS. CAPCOM: The Match of the Millennium

Originally released in 1999 on the obscure and short-lived NeoGeo Pocket Colour, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium was the first crossover title between the legendary companies, and it is wonderful to see that the game will be preserved and revived for the incomparably wider audience the Switch affords. The epic titling may contrast with its cutesy style, but the packed-to-the-brim crossover content and overall quality of the game do it justice!

SNK VS. CAPCOM: The Match of the Millennium
Nintendo Switch
Developed by SNK
Published by SNK
Released: 17th February 2021

Review copy provided by SNK

By |2021-03-02T17:04:22+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Capcom, eShop, Nintendo Switch, Review|0 Comments

Review – Writhe

It’s tough to stand out in the free-for-all of Nintendo’s eShop. Despite this, there can be hidden gems buried in the rubble that need dusting off so they can gleam in the spotlight! Writhe might not be the game to catch your eye, but the worth is evident under closer examination. I’m not saying it’s a diamond, but perhaps a shard of brilliant-green peridot! The game is set in a dystopian Bangkok, where giant, mutated Sago Worms have gone rogue and you are a lone ‘Exterminator’ fending off the hoard. Writhe is a classic arcade FPS experience and the tiny development team at Mission Ctrl Studios do their best to pay homage to a simpler time.

By |2021-02-05T18:39:35+00:00February 4th, 2021|eShop, Nintendo Switch, Review|0 Comments

Nintendo’s Forgotten Franchises – Wave Race

Nintendo make wonderful games; I think if you’re reading this then there’s every chance that you agree. However, if there’s one criticism that I could aim at them it’s that they often play it too safe. Whilst the last five years have seen the release of two major new franchises (Splatoon and ARMS), the same five years has also seen the release of close to 30 Mario themed games across various platforms. Now, I love Mario as much as the next gamer, but Nintendo have a wealth of franchises which have been neglected, in some cases for generations and new entries are long overdue. In this series I will explore some of Nintendo’s forgotten franchises and just how they might return in the future, starting with Wave Race.

By |2020-08-07T17:34:52+00:00July 2nd, 2020|eShop, Features, GameBoy, N64, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch|0 Comments

Weekly European Nintendo Download – 17/05/18

It’s Thursday, which means that the Nintendo eShop is dropping some more digital goodies on the Nintendo eShops.

This week, take on the Hylian battlefield in Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, escape a charming yet horrific nightmare in Little Nightmares Complete Edition, and more!

Find out what’s new after the break!


By |2018-05-17T14:10:35+00:00May 17th, 2018|3DS, eShop, eShop Update, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U|0 Comments

Weekly European Nintendo Download – 10/05/18

It’s Thursday, which means that the Nintendo eShop is dropping some more digital goodies on the Nintendo eShops.

This week, there’s another opportunity to try out the stretchy fighter in the ARMS Sparring Demo, enter an atmospheric, puzzling world in The Fall, and more!

Find out what’s new after the break!


Weekly European Nintendo Download – 26/04/18

It’s Thursday, which means that the Nintendo eShop is dropping some more digital goodies on the Nintendo eShops.

This week, come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine in South Park: The Fractured But Whole for Switch, , and more!

Find out what’s new after the break!


By |2018-04-26T16:35:46+00:00April 26th, 2018|3DS, eShop, eShop Update, Features, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U|0 Comments
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