REVIEW – Triangle Strategy

Strategy Role Playing Games (SRPGs) have seen a resurgence in recent years, and as a fan of the genre it pleases me to see companies like Square Enix creating brand new series such as Triangle Strategy. With a gleaming reputation for fantastic story driven Role Playing Games, anything developed by this company has the potential to be a hit. With that in mind, is Triangle Strategy the start of a new legacy?

By |2022-03-30T10:04:19+00:00March 29th, 2022|Exclusive, Nintendo Switch, Review, Square Enix|0 Comments

Postcards from Bubblaine – Super Mario Odyssey

Mario has been working his cap off in preparation for his newest adventure on the Nintendo Switch in Super Mario Odyssey, but even heroes deserve a break from time to time. Mario decided to go on a little holiday to celebrate his work so far, and what’s a better holiday destination than Bubblaine Beach of the Seaside Kingdom.

Feeling a bit envious? Love a good holiday pic? Then you’re in luck, Mario was kind enough to send NintyBuzz some postcards on his little holiday at the Seaside Kingdom. Check them out after the break!


By |2017-09-20T12:59:03+00:00September 20th, 2017|Exclusive, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Preview|1 Comment

EXCLUSIVE – Super Mario Odyssey – Three Kingdom Preview

Last week I had the amazing opportunity to be invited to a special hands-on preview event for Super Mario Odyssey. Not only did I get to play the game (for about three hours) but the majority of the content I played and recorded is all brand new!

If reading is more your thing, we got you covered! Check out a written preview after the break, as well as a chance to ask some questions before the game releases next month!


By |2017-09-21T10:54:55+00:00September 20th, 2017|Exclusive, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Preview|0 Comments
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