Darksiders 3 Leaked! | Gaming News

In this week’s news, we discuss the comparison of the original Crash Bandicoot to the remaster; a new Yooka Laylee patch which addresses some of the main issues; Bethesda’s lawyers forcing a game to change its name; A Portal and Half-Life writer leaving Valve; Titanfall’s upcoming mobile release; and the leak of Darksiders 3. (more…)

NintyNews Weekly – 31st July ’15

It’s that time of week again! It’s time to look back over the past week to see what’s been buzzing in the Ninty world. This week has been chock full of updates, big ones too.

Find out what’s buzzing after the break!


By |2015-07-31T17:10:31+00:00July 31st, 2015|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyNews Weekly, Wii U|0 Comments

NintyNews Weekly – 17th July ’15

It’s that time of week again! It’s time to look back over the past week to see what’s been buzzing in the Ninty world. It’s been a pretty ‘interesting’ and quiet week this week. It started off on a rather depressing note, though in the end it turned into something rather beautiful.

Check out the top news of the week after the break!


By |2015-07-17T13:27:11+00:00July 17th, 2015|3DS, eShop, Nintendo, NintyNews Weekly, Wii U|0 Comments

NintyNews Weekly – 10th July ’15

Greetings Nintendites of the world (and possibly beyond). I come to you today with a brand new weekly (hopefully) feature which aims to bring back Nintendo News to NintyBuzz, as well as some easy activity from myself! NintyNews Weekly aims to bring you wonderful lot some of the biggest Nintendo news from the past week or so to try and keep everyone, including myself, updated on everything Ninty. If there has been a big break in another gaming department other than Nintendo, than you may as well see it here… in fact, we have something that has deemed a little controversy in this week’s edition.

So, let us get things started… after the break!


By |2015-07-09T19:44:52+00:00July 9th, 2015|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyNews Weekly, Wii U|0 Comments
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