NintyTalk – Buzzing Revival
Well, we have worked hard (mostly) over the weekend for this and we are now ready to reveal… well, what we have been working on, obviously!
Anywho, we are happy to announce NintyTalk! NintyTalk is a brand new feature in which we will have a spontaneous discussion on recent Nintendo and other gaming news. As this is still very early days, so we may be a bit rusty (heck, we’re very rusty) but hopefully, the more we do, the more we should improve.
Now, in this instalment of NintyTalk, we’ll be discussing the NintyBuzz revival, Xenoblade X Mini-Direct, Smash Bros. DLC, Mario Kart DLC, Zelda Wii U Delay and Project Ukulele!
Please tell us what you think of this episode and how we could improve. See you next time!