Lobodestroyo is Back in Action!

Usually we would have been on this straight away, but with the merger and E3 clouding our sights, only now have we had time to share this… better late than never though, right?

For those who are not in the know, Lobodestroyo is a game that was funded on Kickstarter around two years ago. The game takes a Mexican stylised approach on bringing back the 3D Collect-a-thon games we all know and love from the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube era, think Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, and Super Mario Galaxy. They have also taken inspiration from other games such as the boss battles from Mega-Man. Travel forwards two years later, and you would’ve found that the team went radio silent. Did this mean the end of Lobodestroyo as we know it?

I think not! The guys at Lefthanded Games recently published a new backer update, that has been unlocked for the world to see, to explain that they are very much still alive and kicking. They’ve apologised for the lack of updates, saying how there has been a phase of lowered motivations and other commitments getting in the way of development. Though times have been tough, Jamie, the Creative Director on the project is confident that a newly reenergized attitude and dedication will keep development going strong. New additions to the team including Project Manager Scott Malo will help keep the team’s efforts on track and moving forward.

Lefthanded Games has recently published a new website that acts as a hub for updates, as well as other content such as streams, podcasts, and even some editorials by yours truly. They have already made a new character reveal on the website! But enough from me, check out the update in its entirety to find out just what has been been said regarding Lobo’s resurgence!

Backers! It’s been a while

By |2016-06-17T15:06:57+00:00June 17th, 2016|Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|2 Comments

NintyTalk – Buzzing Revival

Well, we have worked hard (mostly) over the weekend for this and we are now ready to reveal… well, what we have been working on, obviously!

Anywho, we are happy to announce NintyTalk! NintyTalk is a brand new feature in which we will have a spontaneous discussion on recent Nintendo and other gaming news. As this is still very early days, so we may be a bit rusty (heck, we’re very rusty) but hopefully, the more we do, the more we should improve.

Now, in this instalment of NintyTalk, we’ll be discussing the NintyBuzz revival, Xenoblade X Mini-Direct, Smash Bros. DLC, Mario Kart DLC, Zelda Wii U Delay and Project Ukulele!

Please tell us what you think of this episode and how we could improve. See you next time!

LoboCast Episode 4 Is Now Live!

For those of you who haven’t heard, LoboCast is a series of Podcasts created by the wonderful people from LeftHanded Games, who are currently responsible for the upcoming 3D platformer Lobodestroyo, which will be releasing on the Nintendo Wii U… as well as some other consoles including the Ouya and PC/Mac. Check out the first episode here!

Episode 4 features a special guest star, the holy overlord of the StartSelect Network [the site which hosts the LoboCast], Adam Jones, where we find out that maybe it really is about who you know! The gang also goes down nostalgia lane discussing some IPs which they think deserve an overdue reboot or sequel, such as F-Zero and Viewful Joe! Finally, the Better Know A Backer segment returns, last week their victim was your’s truly [ME!] where I was apparently a British George Takei, and this week they prey on the unsuspecting Photon, with a very inaccurate accent [unless he actually is a Snake Oil Salesman who thinks he is a Japanese schoolgirl]! Remember, this segment is all for fun, nothing serious… heck I nearly pissed myself this week!

LoboCast Episode 4: Vice President Croosh Boondicoot!

Like the last episode, the game is family friendly, the podcast… not so much! Enjoy!

[PS Thanks for plugging NintyBuzz Jamie]

By |2014-08-29T13:01:48+00:00August 17th, 2014|Kickstarter, Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|0 Comments

LoboCast Episode 3 Now Live!

For those of you who haven’t heard, LoboCast is a series of Podcasts created by the wonderful people from LeftHanded Games, who are currently responsible for the upcoming 3D platformer Lobodestroyo, which will be releasing on the Nintendo Wii U… as well as some other consoles including the Ouya and PC/Mac. Check out the first episode here!

The third episode is now live with the usual duo [Jamie Demaray? Neal Guy?], plus a special guest, one of the talented artists, Ruth Ellingson. There are plenty of interesting topics discussed, such as what Kickstarter projects the dev team are supporting, more Q and A, some exciting cameo info and much more! Speaking about cameos, there’s a special cameo from a certain someone included in this episode of LoboCast…

Lobocast 3: Pigs and Whales and Karts (Ohh Myyy)!

Like the last episode, the game is family friendly, the podcast… not so much! Enjoy!

By |2014-08-10T19:57:05+00:00August 10th, 2014|Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|1 Comment

Grant Kirkhope To Be Involved In Lobodestroyo!

For those of you who haven’t checked out LoboCast Episode Two [shame on you!], the podcast had a piece of very exciting news, especially for those of you who appreciate video game music. Those of you who were fans of the Nintendo Rareware days, playing games like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country, the name Grant Kirkhope may be familiar to you… or it could just remind you how awesome your youthful days were; yeah those were good times.

During the podcast, it was announced that Grant Kirkhope would have some involvement with the Lobodestroyo game. Grant Kirkhope was the amazing composer behind many Rareware titles such as Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64. He will be working closely with the music director, Cooper Goodwin [aka Gooseworx], to create one of the themes for one of the ‘villanos’. UPDATE – Sorry I misheard slightly, Grant will be composting the theme to the whole ‘Liga De Los Villanos’ and Gooseworx will be remixing that theme. May I also add that Gooseworx, so far, has shown some amazing work from the game so it will be interesting to see what these two talented people can conjure up!

To find out more about this superb announcement, check out LoboCast Episode Two, the announcement is about halfway in, after the first backer question.

P.S. It’s Grant’s birthday today!

By |2014-07-10T13:54:23+00:00July 10th, 2014|Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|2 Comments

LoboCast Episode Two Now Live!

For those of you who haven’t heard, LoboCast is a series of Podcasts created by the wonderful people from LeftHanded Games, who are currently responsible for the upcoming 3D platformer Lobodestroyo, which will be releasing on the Nintendo Wii U… as well as some other consoles including the Ouya and PC/Mac. Check out the first episode here!

The second episode is now live which promises more Backer Q and A, an interview with the 3D modeller and animator, Tom Bennet, and some exclusive new info about Lobodestroyo. Why not check it out now!

LoboCast 2: Banter with Mr. Bennet!

Like the last episode, the game is family friendly, the podcast… not so much! Enjoy!

By |2014-10-23T21:15:38+00:00July 10th, 2014|Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|1 Comment

Rise of the LoboCast!

For those of you who haven’t heard, Lobodestroyo is a brand new title from indie developer studio, LeftHanded Games, which was successfully funded using the crowd funding website Kickstarter. It will be released on various consoles, including the Nintendo Wii U. As the Kickstarter page states, Lobodestroyo is ‘a retro action adventure game inspired by N64-era collect-a-thon platformers. Channeling the spirit of Rareware’s late 90’s titles.’ For more info on the game, click here!


Now back to why this article is all about. Recently, the wonderful people from LeftHanded games has started to upload a series of monthly podcasts, which are hosted by the StartSelect network. Within these podcasts, James, the creative director of Lobo, is joined with another member of the LeftHanded team to announce updates, answer viewer questions, tell stories and much more. This is appropriately named a LoboCast.

Their first episode was published earlier this week, so why not check them out. Though the actual game is built to be family friendly, the series of podcasts isn’t… you have been warned!

Episode 1 – Welcome to Porpoise Studios

By |2014-10-23T21:17:28+00:00June 28th, 2014|Lobodestroyo, Nintendo, Wii U|3 Comments
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