The NintyBuzz Awards 2016 – The Results

My, my, my, what an unfortunate couple weeks it has been. First the Baudelaires have been chased down by an untalented fiend, a narcissistic Tango Orange addict is running the United States, and I may have quite possibly failed my Geography exam. But let us move on from the tragic, and onto the triumphant. Yes, it is finally time to announce the results of the NintyBuzz Awards 2016!

The community has voted, and the results are in. Find out which games have won NintyBuzz Awards… after the break!


The NintyBuzz Awards 2016 – Voting Now Open!

Hello folks!

Hope you all had a safe but fun New Years celebration. The voting for the NintyBuzz Awards 2016 are currently open, and close this Friday at 6pm GMT (6th January 2017). Every vote you make in the NintyBuzz Awards 2016 polls will give you 30 Melons to spend in Yoshi’s Trading Post, so be sure to cast your vote in every category.

Around a week after the voting phase closes, I will collate and announce the results, as well as announce the winner of the giveaway we held during the Nomination period. Click here to cast your vote now!

We hope everyone has a fantastic 2017!

By |2017-01-02T13:22:09+00:00January 2nd, 2017|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyBuzz Awards, Wii U|4 Comments

WIN – The NintyBuzz Awards 2016 – Nominations

UPDATE – You have just over 24 hours to submit your nominations!

Another year is nearly over, and even though Nintendo has been a bit quieter with big releases compared to previous years, there were still a fair amount of games that deserve recognition.

The NintyBuzz Awards are back for 2016, and they are bigger than ever. There are now four new categories to vote in, and by nominating, you have a chance to win $50/£50 to spend on the Nintendo eShop!

Check out the categories and rules after the break!


By |2016-12-24T17:08:51+00:00December 24th, 2016|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyBuzz Awards, Non-Nintendo, PC, PS4, Wii U, WIN!, Xbox One|5 Comments

The NintyBuzz Awards 2015!

Good evening ladies, and gentlemen, and plumbers, and princesses, to the (late) NintyBuzz Awards 2015. In December, we set our readers the task to vote for their favourite games against different categories to win some not so prestigious awards!

They chose the most beautiful, the most unique, the best Nindie, and oh so much more. So without further delay, let the awards begin… after the break!


By |2017-01-02T14:53:25+00:00January 18th, 2016|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyBuzz Awards, Wii U|0 Comments

WIN – The NintyBuzz Awards 2015 – Nominations

The year is nearly over and there have been loads of brilliant Nintendo games this year, but which one was the most beautiful? Which one had the best story? Which was the best Wii U game?

It’s time to show the great games of this year some recognition in the brand spanking new NintyBuzz Awards 2015! It isn’t too serious but just something fun to finish off the year. All you need to do is to nominate a Nintendo game for each category, and as this is the first NintyBuzz Awards, we are also counting games which have been out since the Summer of 2014!

There’s also an incentive for you wonderful lot to vote. There is an Amiibo up for grabs for three lucky voters, and the more categories you vote for, the better your chances are to win, there’s even a chance to increase your chances further by sharing the fun!

Check out the categories after the break!


By |2015-12-09T19:20:35+00:00December 4th, 2015|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NintyBuzz Awards, Wii U, WIN!|0 Comments
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