3DS Buzz Forums Merged!

3DS Buzz started way back in 2010, where you could keep up with all the latest 3DS news and talk about Nintendo’s latest handheld wonder and more. For the past six years (well, just under), the site grew a bustling community, and though it has gone quiet more recently, it’s still full of great people. There have been highs and lows, but it truly was a remarkable online experience, and probably one of the closest communities on the web I have ever been in.

Today, I am happy to announce that 3DS Buzz Forums has now got a brand new home here at NintyBuzz, and it will be renames NintyBuzz Forums funnily enough! Before we set off on our new adventure, I would like to take the chance to thank Adam for conceiving 3DS Buzz, one of the few sites I would visit daily. Without him, I probably would not be a writer today! I would also like to thank all the previous staff members for maintaining us crazy lot, though I really hope I see them again here!

Now, what’s going to happen? There’s a lot I have planned for the near future. I plan to really make an emphasis on user involvement for the blog, host new gaming tournaments, and much more. Some things may take a bit longer, but the worst of the waiting is now over.

Already, I have implemented plenty of new things. Firstly, you may have noticed that we have a brand new appearance for both NintyBuz and NintyBuzz Forums,  which is also fully responsive for a range of different displays. I have also reorganised the forums a bit to keep it up to date. There are also dedicated sections for Tournaments and Rom Hacking. Finally, we have changed the service used for the shoutbox!

For those of you who are new to the place, I would like to welcome you all to the NintyBuzz Community, and I hope you are able to make plenty of new friends here, as well as participate in lots of discussions!

You can find a link to the forums in the navigation menu above, or just by going to www.nintybuzz.com/forum

Leon Out!

By |2016-06-07T07:58:51+00:00June 6th, 2016|Nintendo, NintyBuzz|0 Comments

2016 – The Year Ahead

Hello Buzzers,

It’s now nearly a month into the new year and it should hopefully be a good one for Nintendo with the 30th Anniversary of Zelda, the 20th for Pokémon, the unveiling of Nintendo NX, the new Nintendo accounts system, and so much more. I would first like to apologise for the inactivity over the past two months. I’m going to be honest, even though Christmas has been rather busy, I haven’t quite had the motivation to do much with NintyBuzz, but never fear, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to try and gain this motivation back, and in doing so, we have some exciting plans to enforce over the coming months.

Unfortunately, I’m not quite ready to discuss these plans quite yet as it all depends on some confirmations and whether I can find a new paying job; I recently quit my old one back in December for various reasons. Something I will divulge though is that I have some exciting new features, with the possibilities of some competitions, planned for the both Anniversary of Zelda. I hope for these to start next month.

I also plan on hosting some new tournaments in 2016, ones which I promise will work, I will admit that the Smash Bros. Tourney I started last year was poorly planned and it was more of an experiment, if anything.

That’s it for now, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year!

By |2016-01-23T14:29:48+00:00January 23rd, 2016|Nintendo, NintyBuzz|0 Comments

NintyBuzz Turns One!

Well, that went quickly. One year ago I opened up the doors to NintyBuzz hoping to bring the internet Nintendo news and non-biased reviews. Indeed I tend to not cover news that much anymore, but I’d like to think we are still mostly unbiased.

A year seems like a long time, heck I started and finished a year long course at college since I started NintyBuzz, but it sure went quickly. I would just let to thank everyone who comes on a regular basis (no mater how slim the numbers are) for visiting, and I hope you enjoy the next year of gaming and beyond.

I may have a little surprise in a week or so to to commemorate the occasion, but more about that later. But for now, just keep on buzzing!


By |2015-06-25T15:34:38+00:00June 25th, 2015|NintyBuzz|4 Comments


So, the reboot has been a bit slow but we are gradually getting there. I have decided to give myself a sort of schedule to try and go so that we look somewhat active!

First of all, I want to try and publish at least one new review every month, but trying to push for two or, if I’m devious, three! I plan for NintyTalk to air every fortnight or, if news has been very slow, every month. Me and Chris should hopefully have a new episode up sometime next week, we have lots to talk about. I also plan to bring back NintyBeats very soon, though at the moment I am also thinking that this should be a fortnightly feature. Finally, there will also be several one off articles being published soon. As soon as Sam has escaped the terror that is University, he will start posting several one-offs. He told me he has some good ideas but refused to divulge into much detail!

Also, remember that E3 is slowly rearing its face, which means we will have even more topics to talk about, and maybe even some more competitions/giveaways if I have a stable income by then!

Hopefully, this should give you delightful readers an idea of what to expect over the following several weeks. Bear in mind I do still have College and deadlines for assignments, but come E3, I will be finished with College for good so I’ll have even more time for NintyBuzz.

Before I go, if you are interested with helping out with writing articles and reviews, visit the Work for Us page and pop us an email!

Happy Buzzing!

By |2015-05-06T10:49:05+00:00May 6th, 2015|NintyBuzz, Random|0 Comments
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