REVIEW – No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The original No More Heroes set itself a well-earned spot in the cult classic pantheon for its grindhouse aesthetic and harsh, often self-deprecating criticism of hardcore violence. A lot of this likely flew over the general audience’s heads as they saw the crass Travis Touchdown swearing and cutting down droves of faceless goons in a ridiculously over the top fashion. So a second go was in order, despite the previous game’s generally conclusive ending, which also now ironically teased that a sequel won’t ever happen. The United Assassin’s Association has now fully become the organisation that was only suggested in the first game, a ruthless entertainment industry leader in recreational killing for the masses. Travis now finds himself bound to a story he doesn’t want to be a part of in order to seek vengeance for the death of his best friend, let the bloodshed begin anew.

By |2020-11-11T13:57:21+00:00November 11th, 2020|Nintendo Switch, NintyBuzz, No More Heroes, Review|0 Comments

REVIEW – No More Heroes

Over the years, Nintendo has built itself a reputation for catering to the all-ages market, with even their more mature titles never really pushing anything beyond the teen demographic. This extends even into third party efforts, with many exclusives still being aimed at younger or general audiences. So to have a game come along where the protagonist’s first line of non-narration dialogue is a hard expletive right after he’s decapitated a pair of guards, blood exaggeratingly spraying dozens of feet into the air is both astonishing and also very exciting. Welcome to the brutal world of No More Heroes, where assassins fight each other to the death to attain the glorious ranking title of number one.

By |2020-11-11T13:56:28+00:00November 11th, 2020|Nintendo Switch, NintyBuzz, No More Heroes, Review|0 Comments
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