Death of the NES Mini! | Gaming News

After a short break, the news is back, this week covering Microsoft’s new refund policy; Bayonetta’s (rather late) PC release; Elite Dangerous’ new patch and the issues surrounding it; Planet Coaster’s spring update; A rough outline of the whole TotalBiscuit, Gearbox, G2A back and forth; the Switch releases for Splatoon 2 and The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth +; And the discontinuation of the NES Mini.

Find out more in the video below and feel free to check out my channel and subscribe.


And The Switch Is… | Gaming News

Guess who’s put some content on here that isn’t E3 related! I’m back with a weekly news show that I’ve started on my YouTube channel (go subscribe). (more…)

The NintyBuzz Awards 2016 – The Results

My, my, my, what an unfortunate couple weeks it has been. First the Baudelaires have been chased down by an untalented fiend, a narcissistic Tango Orange addict is running the United States, and I may have quite possibly failed my Geography exam. But let us move on from the tragic, and onto the triumphant. Yes, it is finally time to announce the results of the NintyBuzz Awards 2016!

The community has voted, and the results are in. Find out which games have won NintyBuzz Awards… after the break!


Yooka-Laylee Gamescom Trailer

We have yet another trailer for the upcoming Yooka-Laylee that went live in time for Gamescom this weekend. Today we get to have a look at the main antagonist, Capital B, a new factory level, some underwater, racing action, and much more!

Check it out below!

Yooka-Laylee will be released Q1 2017 for Wii U, PC, Mac, Linux, XBOX One, and PS4!

By |2016-08-17T09:20:20+00:00August 17th, 2016|Nintendo, NX, Playtonic Games, Wii U, Yooka-Laylee|3 Comments

Everything We Know About The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This week has been a goldmine of information for Zelda fans, as not only did we get a new trailer and subtitle for the game, but we got so much intel on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

We are trying something new for NintyBuzz by create this ongoing article, detailing all the new bits of info we will be learning about the title. So, find out everything we know about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild… after the break!


New Trailer for Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Gorgeous

E3 is upon us, and despite this year’s… lacking offering from Nintendo, there is one game that we can get properly excited for – Zelda! To kick of their E3 livestream, Reggie not only announced the name of the new game – Breath of the Wild – but also introduced this gem of a trailer. The new clip doesn’t really need any introduction so press play and let its majesty engulf you.

The trailer got the Nintybuzz forum users rather excited, with member Dodgy Dave clearly a fan:

Man, that was a great trailer, I love the art style

Meanwhile, Mr. Fuego simply had the following to say:


Head over to the NintyBuzz E3 Hub if you want to join in with all the fun, and look out for more on Zelda coming later today!

By |2016-06-15T15:13:40+00:00June 14th, 2016|NX, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U|1 Comment

OPINION: What we want from Nintendo NX

As it stands, we are completely in the dark about the NX other than it comes out next Spring and it will include Zelda Wii U in the launch line-up. Seeing how the console is planned to debut in just over ten months, a lot of gamers are growing concerned with exactly what the NX is, or if Nintendo will be able to recover from the commercial failure of the Wii U (which is still a brilliant console). How powerful is it? Is it a hybrid? Will it use cartridges? We are all clueless!

Today, I’ve compiled a list of features and ‘things’ which I believe could make the NX a success, as well as some personal desires, think of it as a NX wish list. Check them out, after the break!


By |2016-05-13T09:45:46+00:00May 12th, 2016|3DS, Features, Nintendo, NX, Opinion, Wii U|0 Comments
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