Darksiders 3 Leaked! | Gaming News

In this week’s news, we discuss the comparison of the original Crash Bandicoot to the remaster; a new Yooka Laylee patch which addresses some of the main issues; Bethesda’s lawyers forcing a game to change its name; A Portal and Half-Life writer leaving Valve; Titanfall’s upcoming mobile release; and the leak of Darksiders 3. (more…)

Yooka-Laylee Gamescom Trailer

We have yet another trailer for the upcoming Yooka-Laylee that went live in time for Gamescom this weekend. Today we get to have a look at the main antagonist, Capital B, a new factory level, some underwater, racing action, and much more!

Check it out below!

Yooka-Laylee will be released Q1 2017 for Wii U, PC, Mac, Linux, XBOX One, and PS4!

By |2016-08-17T09:20:20+00:00August 17th, 2016|Nintendo, NX, Playtonic Games, Wii U, Yooka-Laylee|3 Comments

Yooka-Laylee Toybox Out Now

Ahoy fellow buzzers! Were you so excited for the upcoming beauty of a game by the ex-Rareware developers behind Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee, you just had to back the Jiggies out of it? If you backed more than £20 during the Kickstarter campaign, you should be ecstatic to learn that the demo is out now! But it isn’t any old beta though. Titled ‘Yooka-Laylee Toybox’, this is a self contained, and spoiler-free sandbox where you can check out how the gameplay works, without the game being spoiled for you.

If you backed a few more pennies (3,500 more pennies to be precise), then you will receive the enhanced Toybox +! This version includes a new area to explore and some critters to swipe your lizardy arms at. You can find your download codes over at your BackerKit account over here!

The Toybox is only available through Steam on PC, Mac, and Linux, so unfortunately any console gamers out there will have to wait a bit longer, though it still may be worth downloading on your computer!

SOURCE – Playtonic Kickstarter

By |2016-07-29T10:40:08+00:00July 28th, 2016|Nintendo, Playtonic Games, Wii U, Yooka-Laylee|4 Comments

Yooka-Laylee Gets New Trailer and Release!

Old Rare fans [not saying the fans of Rare are rare] rejoice. The fellows over at Playtonic Games have recently revelled the first proper trailer for their Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, Yooka-Laylee. The trailer is packed full of platforming goodness. See Yooka roll! Gaze as Laylee takes flight [or glide]! And tremble at the duo’s almighty flower transformation! You can catch all this and more in the trailer below.

Some of you observant lot may realise that the video mentions that the titular duo will be shipping during Q1 2017, which is unfortunately a few months after the initial planned release [October 2016]. However, Playtonic were nice enough to provide a statement of why the game will be delayed. You can view this statement after the break, along with some brand new screenshots and art!


By |2016-06-07T09:44:16+00:00June 7th, 2016|Nintendo, Playtonic Games, Wii U, Yooka-Laylee|6 Comments

Meet Yooka and Laylee in Yooka-Laylee!

Those of you who have been following the ex-Rare employees and their newly found company, Playtonic Game, may have heard of a little project called Project Ukulele. Gamers rejoice, as the wonderfully British team have just revealed the main characters you will be controlling as well as the name of the game you will hopefully be playing (thanks to some ‘non-violent motivation’ from us).

Project Ukulele will now be referred to as Yooka and Laylee, and the game will be called… well… Yooka-Laylee. Yooka is a chameleon who can use its tongue to hang from various obstacles and probably reach items that are a bit to far for normal reach. Yooka will also be carrying along Laylee, the bat. Laylee is able to pick up Yooka and fly for a short period of time across chasms and can also emit a sonar blast. It is promised that there will be several other abilities the characters can perform together as a duo.


The Kickstarter will be launched tomorrow (May 1st) and the game is planned to be released on Mac, PC, Linux, Wii U, Xbox One and PS4, when each version will be released will all depend on the success of the crowd-funder, though seeing how known the developers are and how many vocal fans there are (myself included), I don’t see there being much problem for Playtonic to reach those targets.

Players who have £10/$15 to spare can reserve themselves a final copy if they pledge on Kickstarter. It has also been hinted that there will be other rewards, such as soundtracks, art books and a ’64-Bit’ special edition when the Kickstarter goes live!

What do you think of the characters? Will you be pledging? Tell us in the comments below!


By |2015-04-30T17:54:01+00:00April 30th, 2015|Playtonic Games, Wii U, Yooka-Laylee|3 Comments
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