When purchasing the newest Pokémon title, do you tend to struggle deciding between one version to the other? Well it seems Nintendo may put an end to this madness as they are releasing a Dual Pack for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, exclusively at Best Buy and Amazon. The pack will still be priced the same as buying both games [$80 approx.], however they are also throwing in two free download codes to use 100 healing potions in each version!
There is currently no word on whether the pack will be released outside the United States of America, though if there is, we’ll update this post accordingly!
It was an early Sunday morning, dew fresh on the ground and sleep encrusted upon my eyelids. There was no time to waste, as the final day of EGX lay ahead. Yes, we had the pleasure to attend one of the biggest gaming expos in the UK, full of various upcoming titles from many different developers for many different consoles, though of course, we mainly stayed in the Nintendo booth… scratch that, that was our home for the entire day!
Check out our full experience from the event after the break!
The internet, a host to many weird and, sometimes, wonderful things. There’s keyboard playing cats, birds who hide in people’s cleavage, fainting goats and oh so much more. But I think I have just stumbled upon something that pretty much tops everything else… a Let’s Play stream hosted by a fish! Yes, that’s right, a fish, the aquatic animal which has fins, gills and swims through water.
The idea, though weird, is actually conducted in a very clever way. It looks like the brains behind the project has aimed motion markers at certain points of the tank, so when the fish swims over the marker the button which it represents will be pressed.
What do you think of this project? What do you think is next? Maybe bumble-bee playing The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask?
So, a new trailer was released for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. A few things were emphasized in the trailer… One them was already discussed in a previous article, so I won’t be going over Hidden Bases.
Now, let me ask you…Remember Metagross? Remember how over-powered he was? Well, Metagross got a Mega Evolution. That over powered beast just got even stronger. From the looks of the trailer, his arm looks like four cannons, two on each side… If you look carefully though, you can see four more arms in that back. Are those going to have any significance? I doubt it, they are probably just for looks but who knows.
Another thing that got featured in the trailer were 5 gym leaders, and 2 of the elite four. Petalburg’s Norman, Rustboro’s Roxanne, Mauville’s Wattson, Dewford’s Brawley, and Lavaridge’s Flannery where all showcased along with their slight redesigns. It was not shown whether or not they will have the same Pokemon or whether they will have Mega Evolutions. Two of the elite four got shown off as well… Sidney (who looks like a total creeper now) and Phobe were displayed. I believe the champion will have a Mega Evolution based on X and Y (This is pure speculation, the champion was not shown once in this trailer). But, like the gym leaders, I’m not quite convinced that the rest of the elite four will have a Mega Evolution.
With everything Game Freak and Nintendo has shown off so far with these two remakes, they are shaping up quite nicely. I’m very excited to explore Hoenn with the same graphics engine of Pokemon X and Y… I hope it can live up to what the originals were (Knowing Nintendo and their track record with remakes, I wouldn’t worry too much). Keep an eye out for more news on Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and anything else Nintendo here, have a good day.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire are set to release on the 21st November in Japan, North America and Australia, and 28th November in Europe exclusively for Nintendo 3DS and 2DS.
The Pokémon franchise is host to a wide variety of merchandising, whether it be the famous trading card game, fruity energy drinks or soy flavoured instant ramen. The franchise goes a bit further this time as a Pikachu themed café is set to open up for a limited time in Tokyo, Japan. There will be various Pikachu themed treats on offer such as Pikachu Shaped Burgers, Pikachu Curry Buns, Pikachu Parfait and much more.
The Pikachu Café accompanies the ‘Pikachu The Movie XY Exhibit’, opening this Saturday at Roppongi Hills until the 31st August 2014, which hosts an exclusive look at the upcoming Pokémon movie, ‘The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie’, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the previous films and a Pokémon Center Store. Tickets are priced at 1,500¥ for adults (about $14).
Will you be checking this amazing Poké-tunity out [bad pun is bad]?
Last week we brought you news that the awesome Secret Bases feature from Ruby/Saphire would be making a return in its 3DS remake. Now we also have a great infomercial to go with it. Unfortunately it is in Japanese so we can’t understand what the narrator is saying, but I think the video in itself is pretty self explanatory!
I myself haven’t played Pokémon games since Red and Yellow [shame on me], so this is all pretty new to me. But overall it looks like a pretty awesome feature, and it should go well on the 3DS as you can share your bases with strangers [who ever heard of stranger danger] using the unique StreetPass feature.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire are set to release on the 21st November in Japan, North America and Australia, and 28th November in Europe exclusively for Nintendo 3DS and 2DS.
Amongst the incredible variety of new features that Ruby and Sapphire introduced to the Pokemon series was the secret base – a personal, customisable cavern that the player could claim in a number of locations across Hoenn. Thankfully, they are back in the best way possible – and this time they’re super secret!
They’ll function in much the same way as before, but with some exciting bonus features. Rather than being limited to visiting the bases of friends who you’ve linked with via cable, they’ll now be shared over streetpass and/or by QR code.
When you visit another player’s secret base you’ll still be able to battle them like in the original, but can now scout them out as a ‘secret pal’ and bring them back to your own base as an NPC.
This new functionality sounds superb and is only going to make the wait until November even less bearable! Still, let’s hope that we’ll hear about more returning features soon – a return to the original contest rules please!