The NintyBuzz Awards 2016 – The Results

My, my, my, what an unfortunate couple weeks it has been. First the Baudelaires have been chased down by an untalented fiend, a narcissistic Tango Orange addict is running the United States, and I may have quite possibly failed my Geography exam. But let us move on from the tragic, and onto the triumphant. Yes, it is finally time to announce the results of the NintyBuzz Awards 2016!

The community has voted, and the results are in. Find out which games have won NintyBuzz Awards… after the break!


Twitch Could Come to 3DS

No, the handheld isn’t getting nervous ticks. I am talking about the streaming service. Twitch is one of the biggest streaming services in the world which allow its users to stream live gameplay footage. It racks up around 45 million unique views per month (that’s definitely a whole lot more than us).

In a recent interview between GamesIndustry and Twitch COO, Kevin Lin, Lin revelled that they are looking into bringing the popular platform to handheld consoles such as the 3DS and PS Vita. Though he goes on to mention that due to CPU concerns, it might only be possible for viewing only, rather than broadcasting.

On mobile we just released our first in-game integration, with Asphalt 8 from Gameloft. For now, we’re going to be doing that game by game. Handhelds. That’s something we’d love to do. On handhelds it’s more of a server/CPU concern, but we definitely want to do it. We want to build viewing apps, that’s much less CPU intensive than broadcasting.

Personally, I feel this would definitely be in the right direction for Nintendo, and it makes sense for there being a Twitch app on the Vita, seeing how you can broadcast gameplay straight from the PS4. Maybe one day we will see Twitch arrive on the Nintendo Wii U.

By |2014-10-23T21:17:25+00:00July 2nd, 2014|3DS, Nintendo, PS Vita, Twitch|2 Comments
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