RUMOUR – Leaked Smash Characters Surface

In just under a month, Smash Bros. will see itself for the first time on a handheld console, the Nintendo 3DS, on Japanese shores. It has been quite a while since we have had any character announcements, the latest one was way back in the middle of July where newcomers, Lucina and Robin, and veteran, Captain Falcon, were announced in a special live trailer. We could soon see a few more character announcements as, recently, some footage containing a few characters not yet seen have been ‘leaked’ onto YouTube. Check out the video after the break!


By |2014-08-26T10:38:33+00:00August 26th, 2014|3DS, Nintendo, Rumour, Smash Bros., Wii U|0 Comments

RUMOUR – A Nintendo Classic To Get The Remastered Treatment?

Nintendo have been known to create quite a few remakes of classic Nintendo games over the past few years. First we had several N64 classics come to the 3DS such as Star Fox [Lylat Wars as it was known in Europe] and Ocarina of Time. We also have Win Waker HD for Wii U that came out last year, and we also have Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire to look forward to for the Nintendo 3DS in a couple months.


According to a Twitter user, Nintendo are now working an another remaster of a classic title for the Wii U to close the gap of the software lineup. He says in his original tweet that “You’re gonna love it, but it’s a Remaster, It’s perfect to fill gaps in the line-up.” He also goes on to mention that it will most likely come out in early-2015.

You are probably thinking, “why should this even be considered a rumour, it’s just a Twitter user?” however this is the same person who also predicted that Devil’s Third would come to the Wii U and that Nintendo were remaking Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Many have already speculated that this remaster could be Majora’s Mask, or even Super Mario 64!


What do you think, is it the real deal or is it a fake? What Nintendo classic would you like to replay?

Thank you to NeoGAF user L~A for posting up a translation!

By |2014-08-15T11:31:28+00:00August 15th, 2014|Nintendo, Rumour, Wii U|0 Comments
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