It certainly feels as though Square Enix have been around since the Stone Age. With that, comes a huge catalogue of both quality and diverse games. Most recently, Square Enix have been experimenting with their 2D-HD engine, which contains a blend of 2D sprites with beautiful 3D backgrounds. With the likes of Octopath Traveller and Triangle Strategy gracing our screens, Square Enix are now delving into their archives and shining a torch on Live A Live, a niche game which previously only saw a release in Japan. Now remade gracefully for the Nintendo Switch and finally localised for the west, does Live A Live stand the test of time? 

By |2022-09-06T09:37:06+00:00September 6th, 2022|Nintendo Switch, Review, Square Enix|0 Comments

REVIEW – Triangle Strategy

Strategy Role Playing Games (SRPGs) have seen a resurgence in recent years, and as a fan of the genre it pleases me to see companies like Square Enix creating brand new series such as Triangle Strategy. With a gleaming reputation for fantastic story driven Role Playing Games, anything developed by this company has the potential to be a hit. With that in mind, is Triangle Strategy the start of a new legacy?

By |2022-03-30T10:04:19+00:00March 29th, 2022|Exclusive, Nintendo Switch, Review, Square Enix|0 Comments

REVIEW – Chocobo GP

Back in the heyday of Squaresoft’s prime, after the massive critical success of Final Fantasy VII and them leaving Nintendo in the dust in favour of the disc based Playstation, they were running every possible angle they could. While most of their outings were RPGs of various flavours, they did dabble into other genres. One such title was Chocobo Racing, their spin on the kart racer which Mario Kart made popular. While it never had the same lasting success as the plumber does, Square Enix of today is not one to turn down another opportunity. So here we are with the all new Chocobo GP, a fresh coat of paint on the old classic. Does it roll past the finish line with aplomb, or does it lag behind in last place? Find out in our review below.

By |2022-03-24T14:52:20+00:00March 24th, 2022|Final Fantasy, Nintendo Switch, Review, Square Enix|1 Comment
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