Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2016 – Day 2 Recap

The second, and final, day of Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2016 has come to the end, and boy was it plump with brand new gameplay of upcoming Nintendo games. We had YO-KAI WATCH 2, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Paper Mario Colour Splash, Mario Party Star Rush, and even a brand new IP from GREZZO called Ever Oasis!

For those of you who missed the stream, or if it was just too much information to handle, we have a recap press release just after the break!


By |2016-06-16T13:09:01+00:00June 16th, 2016|3DS, E3, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U|0 Comments

Everything We Know About The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This week has been a goldmine of information for Zelda fans, as not only did we get a new trailer and subtitle for the game, but we got so much intel on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

We are trying something new for NintyBuzz by create this ongoing article, detailing all the new bits of info we will be learning about the title. So, find out everything we know about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild… after the break!


Nintendo at E3 2016 Video Blowout

Yesterday was a long day, and after being overwhelmed by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and making the seemingly bad choice of  catching up with Wayward Pines before bed, I am fully now rested and am able to share more goodies from Nintendo at E3… from other people, who were actually at E3.

Beyond the door to the wilds (i.e. after the break), there are various videos from Nintendo’s bustling E3 day. Be prepared for gameplay, booth tours, Zelda galore, all you have to do is click read more!


Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2016 – Day 1 Recap

Phew, day one of Nintendo Treehouse is finally over, and boy did they show us a lot of brand new content. Wait, what? You weren’t watching the stream? You had better things to do? Luckily for you, we have you covered.

We have a press release available which recaps all the latest juicy details from today’s Nintendo Treehouse Live. Check it out after the break!


New Trailer for Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Gorgeous

E3 is upon us, and despite this year’s… lacking offering from Nintendo, there is one game that we can get properly excited for – Zelda! To kick of their E3 livestream, Reggie not only announced the name of the new game – Breath of the Wild – but also introduced this gem of a trailer. The new clip doesn’t really need any introduction so press play and let its majesty engulf you.

The trailer got the Nintybuzz forum users rather excited, with member Dodgy Dave clearly a fan:

Man, that was a great trailer, I love the art style

Meanwhile, Mr. Fuego simply had the following to say:


Head over to the NintyBuzz E3 Hub if you want to join in with all the fun, and look out for more on Zelda coming later today!

By |2016-06-15T15:13:40+00:00June 14th, 2016|NX, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U|1 Comment

E3 2016 – The Plan

Only a couple days until every gamer’s most anticipated week arrives, I am of course talking about E3 week. E3 is where all the big time gaming companies (as well as some third parties) come together and talk about all the upcoming gaming goodness that we can look forward to (as well as a bit of boring business dribble). The purpose of this article is to go through what will be happening on Nintendo’s side, as well as a full schedule for the week, after the break.


By |2016-06-11T11:21:28+00:00June 11th, 2016|3DS, E3, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U|0 Comments

Zelda U Delayed, NX Release and More! – Annual Earnings Announcement

Nintendo held their Annual Earnings Announcement earlier today, and along with updates regarding their earnings from the past fiscal year. The Kyoto based company also dropped some mini bombshells regarding the NX, the Wii U successor that has been shrouded in secrecy, and the next release in the Zelda series for Wii U, which always seems to come out next year.

Check out the press release, along with some of my opinions, predictions, and random mumblings after the break!


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