REVIEW – Gunstar Heroes (Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack)
Gunstar Heroes became an instant classic when it first released back in the early 90’s on the Sega Genesis. Gaming has moved on a lot since then, and while we embrace 4K gaming with photo-realistic graphics, is there still room to enjoy classics at a 4:3 aspect ratio?
(more…)Review – Timelie
While I played Timelie, I thought a lot about the title of the game. From the logo, it’s obviously a play on the word timeline but, without the N, we can think about it as time lie or timely. It’s a simple and inventive title, because the game indeed carries all these meanings.
(more…)REVIEW – Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain
Now that we are rolling out of the festive period, it’s time to get back into the swing of things before we get too far into 2022. If, like me, you’ve found yourself doing a good impersonation of a lumpy spud, in both body and mind, you’ll be happy to know there are a few games for Nintendo Switch that may just provide the motivation you need, such as Ring Fit Adventure to tone up your body, or the most recent entry in the Big Brain Academy series to bulk up your brain.
That’s right, Big Brain Academy is back for a third semester with Brain vs. Brain, but is it enough to stimulate that grey matter? Find out in our review, after the break!
(more…)REVIEW – Shin Megami Tensei V
Have you ever found yourself in a conundrum where your decisions in games feel too easy, that there aren’t enough actual challenging encounters or ramifications for your actions? Well, maybe the answer has been right in front of you this entire time and you just didn’t realise it. Much like how the world of demons has been ever present in the world of Shin Megami Tensei, a game rife with challenges and ordeals awaits. Only the bravest may dare enter its realm, and only the strongest can survive. Shin Megami Tensei V is the latest in a long line of hardcore RPGs, but does it have the will to live up to series heritage? Or will it perish amongst the many who’ve tried along the way?
(more…)The 12 Games of NintyMas – 2021 Edition
The joyous occasion of Christmas is only one week away, more than enough time to make any last-minute gift purchases. Having a little trouble on what to get that special Nintendo Switch player in your life? Never fear, as the 12 Games of NintyMas is here!
Members of the NintyBuzz team have once again come up with various Nintendo Switch recommendations that could make the perfect gift. Some of them launched this years, whereas others are hidden gems that may have been criminally overlooked during their original release.
Check out the recommendations after the break!
(more…)REVIEW – Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Back in the days of the mid-2000’s, Pokémon was in a bit of a slump. Pokémania had tapered off after the second generation and was unable to really reach the same highs with the third, so with the release of the Nintendo DS came a new opportunity to strike big. The growing audience for gaming thanks to Nintendo’s push into the “Blue Ocean” gave Pokémon Diamond and Pearl a sporting chance to reach many more newcomers than ever before. But that was 2006/2007, we’re now in an age of unparalleled popularity for the series and the time has come for the remakes of the fourth generation, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, to once again make their mark. Welcome back to the world of Sinnoh, may your adventures begin!